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Before you consider buying a home learn more by checking the facts & tips on our Real Estate Blog page and see how the process works on our Buying a Home page.
Our BC Properties for Sale pages are a great way to get to know different communities. Begin with the photo presentations highlighting each community. Then review detailed information and real estate Market statistics specific to that community.
Each community page also allows you to quickly access the BC Listings in that area, broken out by property type (houses for sale, duplex for sale, townhouses for sale, condos for sale and land for sale).
Facts related to BC Real Estate
Do you know which Board covers 72% of the British Columbia Province?
The BC Northern Real Estate Board covers the northern part of British Columbia, including Bulkley-Nechako, Cariboo, Fraser Fort George, Peace River/Fort Nelson, and Skeena/Queen Charlottes.
The Northern Real Estate Board serves an area covering over 600,000 square kilometers or 72% of the province.
Do you know which Real Estate Boards cover Vancouver Island?
Victoria Real Estate Board (VREB) covers the properties sold in Greater Victoria and the Southern Gulf.
Vancouver Island Real Estate Board (VIREB) covers the properties sold in from the top of the Malahat to the northern tip of Vancouver Island.