Pitt Meadows Land for sale

Find Your Ideal Pitt Meadows Land for Sale - MLS® Listings

Explore the available Pitt Meadows Land for Sale, including building lots listed on MLS®, to find the perfect one for you! Contact us, and we’ll be happy to arrange a showing.


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Data was last updated March 26, 2025 at 12:10 AM (UTC)
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  • Central Meadows
  • Mid Meadows
  • North Meadows
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Pitt Meadows Land for sale Facts

Pitt Meadows Land for sale in urban areas is in short supply because taxation and rising land value have resulted in most parcels being developed. New parcels of land are being created further away from the city center. Vacant Pitt Meadows building lots for sale are rarely available. Most of the older homes that are for sale are tied together in land assemblies.

In more urban areas, a parcel of land can be created by demolishing an existing structure on it, or by assembling a collection of adjacent properties to create a larger parcel for higher density development. Sometimes, a larger parcel of land can be subdivided to create two or more smaller parcels which can be independently developed. Each approach has its pros and cons. We have extensive experience in this area – contact us to discuss the options.

Check Pitt Meadows Market Statistics to see for how long a Listing is on the market before it’s sold,
the number of houses sold per month, and the sales to active ratio for Pitt Meadows houses for sale.

Canada Market Statistics. Would you like to check and compare the property prices across Canada?
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the latest statistics for major markets and provinces across Canada, based on the MLS reports provided by Real Estate Boards.


The Pitt Meadows Zoning Bylaw regulates the development and use of land, including the location and use of buildings and structures, within the City of Pitt Meadows. Current, detailed information on zoning may be found here: Pitt Meadows Zoning Bylaw . Cities are constantly updating their zoning bylaws, so the information below provides guidance but should not be relied upon without verification with the city.


(A1) This District provides for farming, truck gardening, orchard or nursery cultivation, greenhouses and similar uses, and encourages the holding of land in large parcels.