Rancher for sale Price:
Up to $1,000,000

Rancher for sale Location:
Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Pitt Meadows, North West Maple Ridge

Completion Date:
Very flexible!


Rancher for sale number of Bedrooms:


Square Footage of the Home:
1,800 sqft or more

Square Footage of the Lot:
5,000 sqft or more

Year Built:

Rancher for sale Features:
Family oriented neighborhood, close to schools, shopping and the amenities cities have to offer. The home should be a nice place for a young couple with room to grow and enjoy peaceful life style. The rancher for sale should have a fenced back yard with fruit trees and a veggie garden (or room to built one). Lots of room for parking is also desired.
Would you like some comparative data to help you determine the market value of your property? Check out the Market Statistics for rancher for sale in Pitt Meadows or Maple Ridge to get a general sense of price trends in your area, or compare your property with the currently Listed ranchers for sale in Pitt Meadows or Maple Ridge.
We also offer a Free Home Valuation – we will gladly provide you with an accurate, expert opinion on the value of your property!
Some of the factors that will influence your home value are: Location, Size of the lot, Size of the home and layout, Age and condition, Upgrades and renovations, and Market activity. Our Home Valuation will provide you with complete analyses of the Real Estate Market in your neighborhood, including:
- Active listings on the market, and how many days they have been on the market
- Expired and Terminated listings
- Recently Sold listings
In other words, we will email you a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) report with all the detail info and with an estimate of your home value. You can use it to figure out for how much you would like to list your home for or you can use it to negotiate an offer from a potential Buyer.