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Real Estate
It's all about YOU!

Your success is important to us
Whether you are interested in buying a home , selling your home , investing in Real Estate , looking for a building lot or buying or selling a business let our patience, diligence and skill help you! Also feel free to contact us if you want to chat about what’s happening in the real estate market !
We welcome your referrals. Referrals are our primary source of new clients, we will treat your referrals with the highest degree of care, and ensure they receive excellent results, and we will send you a thank you gift if they buy or sell through us! Contact Dana & Amar to provide contact information for your referral and yourself. We will respond with written confirmation.
Your Relationship with a Real Estate professional
Before you disclose confidential information to a Real Estate agent regarding a real estate transaction, you should understand what type of business relationship you have with that person.
Your Relationship with US will be ‘as a client’. We will work in your behalf, and when we are representing you we have special legal duties to you, including:
- Loyalty. We will act only in your best interests.
- Full disclosure. We must tell you everything we know that might influence your decision in a transaction.
- Avoid conflicts of interest. We must avoid any situation that would affect our duty to act in your best interests. For example if we would list your home, we won’t represent any Buyer interested in making an offer.
- Confidentiality. We must not reveal your private information without your permission, even after our relationship ends. That includes: your reasons for buying or selling, your minimum/maximum price and any preferred terms and conditions you may want to include in a contract.
A real estate professional who is NOT representing you as a client does not owe you any of the special legal duties listed above.
However, whenever a real estate professional works with YOU in a real estate transaction, whether you are their client or not, they have a responsibility to act honestly and with reasonable care and skill.