Neighbourhood Market
Watch your Neighbourhood Market

Get instant updates on New Listings in your neighbourhood the moment they hit the market, followed by updates on Price changes and Sold Prices. You’ll always be the one in your neighbourhood that is ‘in the know’!
Looking for a quick sale?
Sell Your Home FAST! We have QUALIFIED buyers ready to write offers! If you think of selling your home, this is your chance for a fast and easy sale, without the hassle of having your home listed, and endless showings. Check what Our Buyers are looking for.
Get notified when your neighbours are selling
Market Statistics by city
If you would like to know more about the market, go into more details: see the MLS ® HPI Price, average days a home is on the market before it has an accepted offer, number of homes Sold each month, and the Sales to Active Ratio, check out our Market Statistics pages.
Free Home Valuation
Would you like to know what your home is worth today? Please sign up for a Free Home Valuation and we will provide a Free Home/ Property Valuation, also known as a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) for your property. Discover your house value today!
Why follow the Neighbourhood Market?
You love your home and your neighbourhood, you are totally happy where you live, and you have no plans on moving right now. Why would you keep track of the neighbourhood market?
Some of us are just curious… whenever we drive by a new For Sale sign in our neighbourhood we are wondering how much is the Listing price? and than when it sells, we would like to know Sold Price.
Besides, knowing the neighbourhood market is just keeping up with the ‘news’ in our society that is quite dominated by Real Estate. For the past several years, Real Estate is part of our daily news… the cities in Metro Vancouver are growing extremely fast, and the market is changing at the same speed!
And sometimes our lives take an unexpected turn: a great job opportunity in a different city or a job loss that jeopardize our ability to keep up the mortgage payments. Wherever your life path takes you, by knowing your neighbourhood market you are always ready to make the move fast, without the risk of leaving money on the table.
Neighbourhood Market watch - FAQ
Why should I sign up for a Neighbourhood Watch?
For most Canadians, their home is their most valuable asset. Neighbourhood Market Watch notifies you whenever homes sell in your neighbourhood, allowing you to keep track of the prices in your area! Many people just ‘like to know’; but if you are thinking of moving, Neighbourhood Market Watch will become a critical part of your decision making to determine when is a good time to list.
Why do I have to leave my email address and receive the listings by email? Why can’t I just
see the information right now from this site?
You are absolutely able to see the prices of Sold listings right now on our website: just sign up for our Virtual Office Website (VOW)! Sold Prices are provided by the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver, and they insist that sold prices can only be provided through a VOW.
Neighbourhood Market Watch allows you to track sales activity in your neighbourhood over a long period
of time. It makes much more sense to receive this data by email than force you to log in frequently to check for updates!
Why do you need my name and my address?
Our neighbourhood watch sends you the listings for sale and their sold prices within a certain distance from your address. Essentially, we draw a circle around your address and send you information on the sales inside the circle!
The Real Estate Board, which owns the sales data, insists that the data only be provided to people who sign up for that service. We use your name to create your own Virtual Office Website (VOW), from which we e-mail you sold prices.
Will I start receiving spam if I give you my email address?
Absolutely not! We are very protective of your information, and will only use it to provide you with the real estate insights you wish to receive. Besides, you can unsubscribe anytime.
I have no plans to sell. Is it okay to just sign up to receive my Neighbourhood Updates?
Yes, of course! We provide a wealth of information on the real estate market completely free, and without obligation.
Team Dana & Amar are long established Realtors ® in the Greater Vancouver area, with an extensive knowledge of the market conditions. We do a great deal of proprietary analysis which, we feel, makes us exceptionally well informed. We hope you will reach out to us if at any point you need the services of honest, competent and friendly Realtors ®!
Understanding Comparative Market Analysis
Understanding Comparative Market Analysis (property valuation)
A CMA is a home/ property value estimator. It gives you the market value of your home at a specific time. It helps sellers choose the best listing prices for their properties. The “best” property price is the one that’s not so low it leaves money on the table, and not so high that the home doesn’t sell at all. The “best” home price will depend on market conditions, and the strategy we decide to use for marketing your home. For example, if the market is hot or if inventory is low, the listing price might be slightly higher. Conversely, if there are a lot of similar homes on the market, the listing price might have to come down to be competitive.
For buyers, a CMA (property value estimate) can verify if a home is a good deal and help pinpoint a competitive offer that will be taken seriously—without going overboard.
In other words, a CMA estimates the property/ house value and is important for buyers & sellers.
What’s in a CMA report (property valuation report)?
The CMA (home value estimate) analysis considers the:
- location (quality of the neighborhood, community amenities, how are the schools)
- details about the subject property and comparable homes (age, size, construction, style, condition, and other factors)
Our CMA – home valuation report – will include detail information about all the comparable properties: address, description, square footage of the living space/lot, year built, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, pictures, price they were listed for, sale price, etc.
If you would like to get a more accurate Home Valuation of your home then the CMA estimate we would request an in-person visit to gather more information about your home. We’ll want to see the layout (particularly the feel of the livable space), the curb appeal, the immediate neighbouring homes look and feel, privacy, landscaping, quality of upgrades and finishes, etc. After this we would be able to give you an accurate market value of your home (the price you should list for in today’s market). The Home Valuation CMA may be used to help set a listing price.
The buyer’s lender may want to do an independent appraisal on a property. The lender wants to make sure the property is worth what the buyer is paying for it. Just because other homes nearby have sold for a similar amount, it doesn’t mean a lender will be satisfied the home is worth what the buyer is paying for it. If the buyer were to default on the mortgage and the property were to go into foreclosure, the lender wants to make sure it can recoup the money it has lent on the property. The lender will be more confident in its lending by reviewing an appraisal for the property.
Please note your information will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to help us provide you with the answer to the question: ‘How much your home is worth?’ Find out how much your investment is worth with this Free-No obligation Property Valuation. Our Free Home value report covers all property types: house, duplex, rowhouse, townhouse, condo & land.
Provide info about your home and start your Real Estate journey with Dana & Amar! We’ll be happy to help, and provide you with the Free Home Valuation.
Quick MLS® Listings search:
Check out the HUGE changes in Real Estate market that are coming in January 2023: Canada Ban on Foreign Buyers, BC Home Buyer Rescission Period, BC End of Rentals and Age Restrictions in Strata Properties.
Our Communities pages are a great way to get to know different communities. Begin with the photo presentations highlighting each community. Then review detailed information and real estate Market statistics specific to that community.
Each community page also allows you to quickly access the MLS® Listings in that area, broken out by property type: condominiums for sale; townhouses for sale; duplex for sale, detached houses for sale and land for sale.
Quick MLS ® Listings search
Our BC Properties for Sale pages are a great way to get to know different communities. Begin with the photo presentations highlighting each community. Then review detailed information and real estate Market statistics specific to that community.
Each community page also allows you to quickly access the MLS® Listings in that area, broken out by property type: condominiums for sale; townhouses for sale; duplex/ triplex/fourplex for sale, detached houses for sale and land for sale.
Once you are familiar with the community in which you would prefer to live, you can Search Residential Properties by Map. Here you have the option to set up your own search criteria: property type, price, number of bedrooms, sqft of the home, bylaw restrictions, etc. You also have the option to show both Active Listings and Sold Listings or just pick one.
Learn about the HUGE changes in Real Estate market that are coming in January 2023. Canada Ban on Foreign Buyers, BC Home Buyer Rescission Period, BC End of Rentals and Age Restrictions in Strata Properties.