Qualify Me
Find my dream home

You can’t find what you are looking for Listed on MLS ®? Let us help you find your dream home by qualifying you, and adding your requirements to the list of what ‘Our buyers are looking for’ – helping you find properties that aren’t even listed today!
Market Statistics
If you would like to know more about the market, go into more details: see the MLS ® HPI Price, average days a home is on the market before it has an accepted offer, number of homes Sold each month, and the Sales to Active Ratio, check out our Market Statistics pages.
Help us get to know you better
Why do we have to know you better?
Buying a home is one of the most significant decisions you will make in your life. As your Real Estate Agents, we are here to make this journey as simple and enjoyable as it possibly can be for you. And we can do so, by making sure you would qualify for the type of property you would like to buy, and not run into unexpected issues at the completion.
Before you start shopping for a house, there are actions you can take to make sure you are financially ready to buy a home. To qualify for a mortgage: check your credit report, stay within your budget and make sure you know all your monthly housing costs. We can guide you through the steps, and recommend mortgage brokers.
Make sure you know what the areas you are interested in have to offer: schools, shopping, recreation & transit. Also, we have to know you better in order to make sure we understand your needs and wants. It is important that we work closely together in the process of searching for a new home for you.
We are prepared to take the time and set up the showings for all the properties you would be interested in, regardless of the commissions offered by the Sellers. We will accompany you on all the showings, pointing out to you all the pluses and the deficiencies we will notice on each property. We will make sure to check all the documents provided by the Seller or the Listing agent… and the list goes on!
Quick MLS ® Listings search
Our BC Properties for Sale pages are a great way to get to know different communities. Begin with the photo presentations highlighting each community. Then review detailed information and real estate Market statistics specific to that community.
Each community page also allows you to quickly access the MLS® Listings in that area, broken out by property type: condominiums for sale; townhouses for sale; duplex/ triplex/fourplex for sale, detached houses for sale and land for sale.
Once you are familiar with the community in which you would prefer to live, you can Search Residential Properties by Map. Here you have the option to set up your own search criteria: property type, price, number of bedrooms, sqft of the home, bylaw restrictions, etc. You also have the option to show both Active Listings and Sold Listings or just pick one.
Learn about the HUGE changes in Real Estate market in January 2023. Canada Ban on Foreign Buyers, BC Home Buyer Rescission Period, BC End of Rentals and Age Restrictions in Strata Properties.
And more changes in Federal Budget 2024!