Port Coquitlam Land for sale

Discover Port Coquitlam Land for sale - MLS® Listings

View the available Port Coquitlam Land for Sale (building lot for sale) listed on MLS® to find the one you love! Contact us and we’ll be happy to set up a showing for you!

See NEIGHBOURHOODS in Port Coquitlam

Restrict the search by replacing the city name in the search box below with the desired neighbourhood(s).

  • Birchland Manor
  • Central Port Coquitlam
  • Citadel
  • Glenwood
  • Lincoln Park
  • Lower Mary Hill
  • Mary Hill
  • Oxford Heights
  • Riverwood
  • Woodland Acres
Port Coquitlam×
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Data was last updated March 26, 2025 at 01:10 PM (UTC)
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Restrict the search by replacing the city name in the search box below with the desired neighbourhood(s).

  • Birchland Manor
  • Central Port Coquitlam
  • Citadel
  • Glenwood
  • Lincoln Park
  • Lower Mary Hill
  • Mary Hill
  • Oxford Heights
  • Riverwood
  • Woodland Acres


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Land for Sale - MLS ® Listings by City
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Port Coquitlam Land for sale Facts

Port Coquitlam Land for sale in urban areas is in short supply because taxation and rising land value have resulted in most parcels being developed. New parcels of land are being created further away from the city center. Vacant Port Coquitlam building lots for sale close to city center are rarely available. Most of the older homes that are for sale are tied together in land assemblies.

In more urban areas, a parcel of land can be created by demolishing an existing structure on it, or by assembling a collection of adjacent properties to create a larger parcel for higher density development. Sometimes, a larger parcel of land can be subdivided to create two or more smaller parcels which can be independently developed. Each approach has its pros and cons. We have extensive experience in this area – contact us to discuss the options.

Would you like to check and compare the property prices across Canada?

The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) displays by map the latest statistics for major markets and provinces across Canada, based on the MLS® reports provided by Real Estate Boards.

Port Coquitlam ZONING BYLAW

The Port Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw (PDF) regulates the development and use of land, including the location and use of buildings and structures. Cities are constantly updating their zoning bylaws, so the info below provides guidance but should not be relied upon without verification with the city.

  • RS1 Residential Single Dwelling 1. Detached dwelling units on larger lots with at least 15m lot widths
  • RS2 Residential Single Dwelling 2. Detached dwelling units on smaller lots with at least 12m lot widths
  • RS3 Residential Single Dwelling 3. Detached dwellings on large lots with at least 30m lot widths
  • RS4 Residential Single Dwelling 4. Detached dwellings on small lots with at least 9.5m and to allow duplexes on larger lots with a minimum lot size of 500m2.
  • RD Residential Duplex. Two attached dwellings on one lot
  • RTh1 Residential Townhouse 1. Ground-oriented attached dwellings with an extensive form
  • RTh2 Residential Townhouse 2. Ground-oriented attached dwellings with an extensive form
  • RTh3 Residential Townhouse 3. Ground-oriented attached dwellings with a compact form
  • RRh Residential Rowhouse. Ground-oriented attached dwelling units in a cluster and facing a street
  • RA1 Residential Apartment 1. Three to four storey multiple dwelling residential buildings with a building area to site area ratio of up to 1.5
  • RA2 Residential Apartment 2. Multiple dwelling residential buildings with a building area to site area ratio of up to 2.5